MBA Spring 2021 Practice Protocol



1.All field time is assigned by MBA. Players may only use fields during their scheduled field time.  There are no open times.  All use is scheduled specifically by team/group.


2. Only MBA recognized teams of the same consistent group of 12 registered players may have access to fields and equipment. No extra players, siblings, subs or rotational players can practice with a team/group to which they are not assigned at any time.


3. No two teams/groups may be on the same field at any time. All field use is for a specific team.  All field use is for practice only initially as of January 30, 2021 pursuant to current guidelines allowing groups of 12 kids or less to gather for physical fitness purposes.  No games will be held until groups of kids larger than 12 are permitted to gather by local guidelines.


4. No parents, grandparents, siblings, spectators, fans, or other people besides the team/group’s registered players and coaches may be in attendance at any practice. Others may not leave their cars.


5. Carpools are not permitted other than by members of the same family living in the same household.


6. All players and coaches should take their temperature before leaving for any practice and will be instructed that they are not permitted to attend if their temperature is over 100.4 degrees.


7. All players and coaches will be instructed to stay home if they have any symptoms of illness including, but not limited to: temperature, cough, sore throat, sneezing, body aches, loss of sense of smell, difficulty breathing, or fatigue.


8. There will be no shared equipment. There are no exceptions to this rule


9. All coaches should bring hand sanitizer or wipes to practice if possible and make them available before and after practice.


10. All players and coaches shall be instructed to shower and change their clothes immediately after returning home from practice.


11. No catcher’s gear may be used unless they are wearing their own personal gear.


12. No handshakes, fist bumps, elbow bumps, or contact of any kind is allowed at any time.


13. Players should be kept 6 feet apart..


14. There will be no snacks allowed before, during or after practice. Players must wait to eat until they are in their car and have disinfected their hands.


15. All practices are strictly limited to no more than 90 minutes. Activity or gatherings of any kind before or after practice or “extra” practice time are prohibited.  There is no loitering at the field before or after practice.  The coaches should arrive early to assure that all protocols are followed and should not leave until all players have been picked up.


16. Players are not permitted to gather or huddle around batting cages. A maximum of one player in the batting cage and one player waiting by the batting cage door is allowed. All other players should be elsewhere on the field, at least 6 feet apart.


17. Coaches must wear personal protective equipment face coverings or surgical masks at this time.


18. MBA will stagger practice times to reduce contact during transition periods. Please show up at your designated practice time only and wait to take the field until after the previous group has departed. Players must leave the field at their designated end time; no late pick ups!


19. Players should only bring their own gear (if using) and a water bottle.


20. There will be no use of restrooms at JM (there will be a porta-potty by Aug 31)